So Shape
Smart Food Solutions For Weight Control.
So Shape is one of the fastest growing food-tech companies in Europe. Just launched in the US! So Shape creates smarter food alternatives to finally solve weight related problems for everyone, in real life. As of now, the company has launched 2 successful brands:
The So Shape Challenge, an innovative meal-replacement-based kit for a safer express weight loss experience. More than 300 000 customers and followers.
BRKFST, a new range of healthy comfort foods to fix the traditional high-sugar, low nutritious breakfasts.
Stay tuned for more innovations! 🚀
So Shape - Programmes Perte de Poids Sains et Efficaces
So Shape, la méthode innovante de perte de poids rapide & gourmande. Nos programmes complets & simples incluent des repas équilibrés Nutri-Score A, fabriqués en France. Profitez de snacks faibles en sucre et protéinés pour les gourmands et de shakes de protéines végan pour se muscler. Atteignez tous vos objectifs santé