Keranova, the inventor and manufacturer of the first #PHOTOEMULSIFICATION machine
Surgical equipment for different indications in ophthalmology and anterior segment conditions, innovative technology. Ultra-fast Femto Laser for #cataractsurgery, the only machine capable of performing a real #photoemulsification and removal of cataracted lens only with an Irrigation/aspiration cannula.
Created in 2015 by @Fabrice Romano and 6 other co-founders, Keranova is the first company in the world able to bring to surgeons a new method for extracting the cataracted lens, by removing thousands of thin particles created with the ultra-fast laser. No more need for the phacoemulsification machine, just an irrigation/aspiration.
KERANOVA is a young, dynamic company that is developing newgenerationophthalmic surgical devices featuring unique technology; utilizing the emerging science of photonics to construct ultra-fast medicallasers. FemtoMatrix® will be able to perform completely programmablesurgery with almost no human intervention