FlAgship demo of industrial scale production of nutrient Resources from Mealworms to develop a bioeconomY New Generation
Coordinated by Ÿnsect, the FARMŸNG project will demonstrate a large-scale, first-of-its-kind bio-based value chain producing sustainable, safe and premium feed products from an innovative origin: the Tenebrio molitor insect (a beetle). The plant developed for FARMŸNG will exploit the physiological capabilities of mealworms physiology to efficiently convert vegetal by-products in mealworm biomass and will transform those mealworms into sustainable proteins and lipids for fish feed and pet food end markets. In parallel, manure will be recovered for soil fertilization applications.
FARMŸNG project, responding to the increasing worldwide proteins demand, will transfer the technology from a demo plant to the Industrial Flagship Plant able to produce almost 1 500 tons of proteins and 400 tons of oil per month, reaching production rate that has never been achieved by any other insect-protein production plant in the world.
FARMŸNG brings together 19 key players in the bioeconomy spanning every link in the value chain. It includes three raw materials and nutritional solutions suppliers (ADM CHAMTOR, AJINOMOTO ANIMAL NUTRITION EUROPE and Mg2Mix), a larvae supplier (STAR FOOD), two research facilities (CRA-W and CEA-GENOSCOPE), four tech suppliers (ŸNSECT , CLEXTRAL and ULMA), a quality-control specialist (EUROFINS), a sustainability consultant (QUANTIS), an innovation consultant (PNO CONSULTANTS), four end-users (SKRETTING, VIRBAC, COMPO and TORRES) and three bio-economy clusters (B4C, CLIB and WPCC).
With strong multidisciplinary competences, the FARMYNG consortium will carry out the work plan and will match project objectives.
The vertical farm will be built in the industrial zone of Poulainville
FlAgship demonstration of industrial scale production of nutrient Resources from Mealworms to develop a bioeconomY New Generation.