Carafes filtrantes 100% naturelles. Design. Durables. Made en Europe. Marque française pour vos gestes écologiques.
WEETULIP is a young French brand founded in 2020 by Yvette Roozenbeek, Franco-Dutch.
WEETULIP creates practical, design and ecological solutions for a healthier lifestyle in harmony with nature.
A newly designed glass pitcher adapted to the filtering of water with natural bamboo charcoal will be launched on ULULE on October 11th. We hope you will all join us to support us.
To stay updated you can subscribe on https://weetulip.com/coming-soon/.
Our products are designed at helping everyone to integrate more ecological habits into their daily lives.
We have recently become Laureate of the REY - Reseau Entreprendre Yvelines- a network of young entrepreneurs.
Our mission is to help consumers to adopt a more sustainable way of living. To achieve this we are creating products that are simple to use, design and sustainable. Our first solution allows consumers to filter their water naturally without waste or chemical products thanks to bamboo charcoal. In the coming months we will present a newly designed product that will further facilitate the use of bamboo charcoal.
Our innovation program is supported by the French National Investment fund BPI and havé been selected by Réseau Entreprendre Yvelines.
Carafe d’eau en verre 100% naturelle - Weetulip
Weepure une carafe filtrante durable grâce à son charbon de bambou. Meilleure qu'une carafe filtrante classique. Fabriquée en Europe