High-end microelectronics design.
Analogue and mixed signal photodetector read-out chips.
Radiation hardened design.
Weeroc is a spin-off company from Omega laboratory (IN2P3/CNRS, french governmental agency for fundamental research in astrophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics). Weeroc designs and provides analogue and mixed ASICs for industry. Our main customers are major actors in the following fields:
Medical imaging
Homeland security
Nuclear protection
Scientific instrumentation
Space (launchers and satellites)
Weeroc helps its customers with the following products and services:
We provide on-the-shelf programmable analogue and mixed front-end ASICs for photodetector and particle detector read-out.
We design dedicated ASICs for a customer and provide designed ASICs on request with full exclusivity
We can act as a design house and design specific product to a customer with IP transfer
We can act as auditor and provide expertise on external projects