Hemera Analyzers
Gas and Liquid on-line monitoring systems
HEMERA is a French company that designs, produces and sells online liquid and gaz analyzers.
The solutions we provide can be used in a wide range of applications such as water/air monitoring and treatment for environment purposes or for process analysis for a wide range of industries such as agriculture, petrochemical, food and beverage and others.
The use of a high resolution optic system combined to an efficient mathematical algorithm and to an innovative process compounds selectiveness guarantees the reliability of our analyzers. This technology allows us to measure the pollutants content at very low concentrations without being interfered by the environment.
The 15 years of expertise in the instrumentation field that our engineers have and the multiples partnership that we build, allow us to have a very good visibility of our clients issues. Thus, we are able to offer a detailed analysis of their situation and a fitted and customized solution.
Online liquid and gas analyzers - Hemera Analyzers - France
Hemera Analyzers offers a precise and reliable solution for the most demanding measures in liquids and gases. UV spectroscopy method allows us to measure, without interference, a great variety of compounds in many environmental and industrial applications.