La Biclette
La Biclette is the new raclette (french social melted cheese)
HealthyFood #FoodTech #Raclette2.0
La Biclette proposes a new melted cheese experience.
After 2 years of tests and experiments, we have created the perfect cheese made with raw sheep milk.
La Biclette has been created by 2 food lovers, coming from the tech industry and from the cooking industry.
It serves as a healthy and more digest alternative to any melted cheese lover, especially the Raclette fans.
Together with this delicious high quality cheese, we propose an ecological set to melt the Biclette and a delicious lean smoked beef without any sulfate.
La Biclette's mission is to provide healthy but enjoyable food to the people and make quality social moments happened.
La Biclette : laissez couler (let it melt) :)
La Biclette | la raclette de brebis et de chèvre
La Biclette ou Raclette de Brebis est une nouvelle expérience de fromage fondu, au lait cru de brebis et de chèvre et à déguster en raclette ou rôtie au four. Les fromages, fabriqués artisanalement, sont sains, plus digestes et peu salés. Produite au juste volume, la Biclette ou raclette du Sud est surement la meilleure raclette au monde !