WynSep is a French company specialized in Capillary Electrophoresis and related detection technologies.
Wynsep is a French Capillary Electrophoresis manufacturer. Capillary Electrophoresis belongs to the separation techniques and is very easy and cheap to use. It doesn't use no solvent and no gaz and our system uses generic consumables.
Our modular Wyn-CE instrument can be adapted to various needs and applications by changing the samplers and the detectors.
We promote Capillary Electrophoresis in education and we propose general purpose CE instruments.
We also provide specialized analyser for a particular application in many fields such as Environment, food, pharma, medical, forensic, chemistry...
Our factory lab can assist you either to develop a new analytical method or to transfer an existing method based on another technique like HPLC, IC, SAA...
You can easily reduce cost, maintenance, analysis time with a highly performant analysis technology.
Don't hesitate to contact us and follow us on social network !
Enseignement - Wynsep
Apprentissage en immersion, approche simple, ouverte et intuitive : l’électrophorèse capillaire « adaptive » permet un apprentissage visuel.